Abdul Malik Mujahid, ""Help Yourself in Reading Holy Quran Arabic
64 Pages | PDF | 7 MB | English|Mediafire
64 Pages | PDF | 7 MB | English|Mediafire
It is a guide for learning to read the Arabic of the Qur'an in a simple way through transliteration without a teacher. After mastering this guide , one will be able to read Qur'an without any difficulties.
دليل رائع لمن يريد تعلم كيفية نطق الحروف الأبجذية العربية و كذا النطق الصحيح لكلمات القرآن.
The reading of Qur'ân is of prime importance to a Muslim. Qur'ân was revealed in Arabic language and it should also be read in Arabic only, because the actual meaning of Qur'ân in Arabic can not be expressed in the translation of any language. That is why, it is an established fact that the reading of any translation of Quran does not mean that the actual Quran has been read.
It is the basic teaching of Islam to read Qur'ân as many times as one can. The reward of the recitation of Qur'ân and remembrance of Allah is very great, and we can get that reward only if we are able to
read the Qur' an in its original language Arabic.
But the Muslims, who can not read Arabic, are unable to get benefited by reading the Qur'ân in its language. To ease them from this difficulty, we expressed our desire to Qari Abdus Salam to prepare some kind of helping guide, we are happy to express that Qari Abdus Salam prepared this book taking keen interest and using all his expertise of teaching Arabic language and Qur'ân. May Allah favour him with His Mercy.
In this book, through transliteration, an easy approach has been offered to learn reading Arabic in a simple way. Through step by step lessons, all the necessary points are such explained that one can easily understand and read Arabic to earn the ability of reciting Qur'ân with its correct pronunciation. Hence this book is as useful for children as it is for elder people.
As no such attempt was made before, which can help people learning to read Arabic and recite Qur'ân, wc hope that all persons, who were unable to read Arabic, will appreciate our efforts and get the advantage.
We hope that Allah will make our efforts successful and bless all of us abundantly- Amin.
Help Yourself in Reading Quran
Essentials of Arabic Grammar for Learning Quranic Language
The aim of this book is to enable the learner to acquire an insight knowledge of the Quranic language with a view to understanding the text of the Holy Quran.
In all, this book has 28 lessons. I have tried to make it as simple as I could. During the course of study the learner should acquire the vocabulary right from the start of the book. All the words and phrases used in the lessons should be understood and remembered so that he or she can muster sufficient vocabulary to enable him or her to construct simple phrases and sentences from an early stage of the study. Besides, the learner should recite a page or two from the Holy Quran regularly, and try to apply the grammatical aspects of the language to the verses of the Quran as an exercise.
In all, this book has 28 lessons. I have tried to make it as simple as I could. During the course of study the learner should acquire the vocabulary right from the start of the book. All the words and phrases used in the lessons should be understood and remembered so that he or she can muster sufficient vocabulary to enable him or her to construct simple phrases and sentences from an early stage of the study. Besides, the learner should recite a page or two from the Holy Quran regularly, and try to apply the grammatical aspects of the language to the verses of the Quran as an exercise.
Arabic reading lessons: consisting of extracts from the Koran, and other sources, grammatically analysed and translated; with the elements of Arabic grammar
![al3arabiya info](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg3G_Q2VRz0fnL0q9o1hIS-cqT54tHPMvqWeEhbNIHO9avoOjyu3BdYFESIgaTFRXViKMNhqTRN0vSjxIu1KqaJI9osqPT8nTXtHJEUmNbC-mxO6CnVeC6jLzwYXzYT_fpgCa-rYmGkt7A/s1600/info.jpg)
It will be observed that this little Work is properly divided into three Parts. The first is an Elementary Grammar ; the second, an Analytical Eeading Book ; and the third, Grammatical Exercises.
The beginner is recommended to acquaint himself with the first eleven sections of the Grammar, taking particular care first to obtain a thorough knowledge of the powers of the letters. He should then commit the regular conjugations to memory. A moderate acquaintance with
the Grammar, thus far, will enable the learner to proceed with the Analysis. But here he cannot too carefully attend to the references made to the first portion of the Work. By an adherence to this plan of study, he will easily attain sufficient knowledge to enable him to avail himself, with ease, of works which treat upon the Arabic language more...
![al3arabiya info](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg3G_Q2VRz0fnL0q9o1hIS-cqT54tHPMvqWeEhbNIHO9avoOjyu3BdYFESIgaTFRXViKMNhqTRN0vSjxIu1KqaJI9osqPT8nTXtHJEUmNbC-mxO6CnVeC6jLzwYXzYT_fpgCa-rYmGkt7A/s1600/info.jpg)
It will be observed that this little Work is properly divided into three Parts. The first is an Elementary Grammar ; the second, an Analytical Eeading Book ; and the third, Grammatical Exercises.
The beginner is recommended to acquaint himself with the first eleven sections of the Grammar, taking particular care first to obtain a thorough knowledge of the powers of the letters. He should then commit the regular conjugations to memory. A moderate acquaintance with
the Grammar, thus far, will enable the learner to proceed with the Analysis. But here he cannot too carefully attend to the references made to the first portion of the Work. By an adherence to this plan of study, he will easily attain sufficient knowledge to enable him to avail himself, with ease, of works which treat upon the Arabic language more...
Quranic Arabic Program for English and Urdu readers
This program is designed to teach the Classic Arabic Language in which the Quran was revealed. The approach of this program is "Learn by practice". The program starts the Arabic from scratch and takes the reader to advanced levemore details
English [48MB] / PDF [5levels]
Urdu [48MB] / PDF [5levels]
Learn to Recite and Memorize the Holy Qur'an through an Advanced Educational Approach
اسطوانة برنامج تحفيظ القرآن الكريم للاطفال . الاصدار 2.2
![تحفيظ القرآن الكريم للاطفال](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi-wAJvutX2VV_gJWpEPrXOpyGLieLn90z3AlNFsZbIqK6tLSARYQLyUEubjXr4guBfWb6knioeFSLwR2t8C0WYyhuapMHuxG4q48CxOJzwAY-nqpi2iAp7yGTY02C4sxP72l8f36d1yDYy/s400/info.jpg)
Now you can memorize the Holy Qur'an and learn its correct recitation. The program is designed for all family members, Arabs and non-Arabs.
The program teaches the pronunciation of Arabic sounds and explains the recitation rules in an interesting way. It also applies an advanced educational method to help the user memorize the Holy Qur'an by listening to and repeating after the tutor.
The program has two sections:
The Educational Section:
This section includes the following:
- Evaluation test to determine the user's beginning level and to tell the user where to start. For example, if the user knows the Arabic alphabet, he can start learning the recitation rules.
- Teaching the Arabic alphabet with different vowel marks. Many examples are given to illustrate how each letter is pronounced at the beginning, middle or end of a word.
- Teaching the pronunciation of Arabic words starting with two letter words, then three letter words and so on. Thus the teaching process proceeds in a gradual and cumulative way.
- Teaching the rules of recitation and helping the user pronounce Qur'anic verses correctly. The tutor will guide you in this process, giving you a chance to repeat after him.
- After each level, the program introduces a number of exercises and tests to evaluate the user's comprehension of the lessons he studies.
تقوم فكرة البرنامج على الانتقال بالمستخدم إلى مستوى رفيع بحيث يتقن نطق اللغة العربية بداية من الحروف الهجائية المتفرقة إلى أن يصل إلى أحكام
التجويد.وبالتالي فإن البرنامج يتدرج في تقديم الدروس المدعمة بالأصوات الناطقة للمادة العلمية كما يمكن للمستخدم أن يبدأ البرنامج من مستوى متقدم
وذلك إذا تخطى الاختبارات الأولية التي تحدد مستواه وترشده إلى أن يبدأ التعليم من درس معين. وفي النهاية يصل المستخدم إلى احتراف وإتقان الحفظ
والتجويد بناء على ما تلقاه من البرنامج من تعليمات واختبارات.
ويتناول برنامج تحفيظ القرآن ثلاثة أقسام رئيسية:
أولا: تحديد المستوى:
يبدأ البرنامج بتحديد مستوى المستخدم من خلال اختبارات لغوية، وأخرى خاصة بأحكام التجويد، ثم يدلك على أن تكون بداية التعلم من درس معين.
ثانيا: اقرأ:
في جلسة تعليمية حقيقية تستطيع أن تسمع وتشاهد وتردد خلف المعلم بطريقة مبتكرة وحديثة.
يتناول البرنامج الدروس بالشرح والأمثلة العملية معطيا إياك الفرصة للترديد والقراءة خلف المعلم.
يبدأ المعلم بترديد أمثلة غير مرئية لا تظهر أمامك على الشاشة عليك الاستماع إليها جيدا.
ثم يطلب منك المعلم أن تنظر إلى الأمثلة التي تظهر على الشاشة وتستمع إلى كيفية نطقها.
ثم تأتي الخطوة التالية وهي أهمية الترديد وراء المعلم بعد الاستماع إلى الأمثلة.
ويقوم البرنامج بإظهار وإخفاء بعض الحروف التي تساعد على استيعاب المتلقي كما يتم التركيز على مواضع الشرح بالكلمة بتمييز الحروف وتحديدها.
من خلال هذه الطريقة يستطيع المستخدم إتقان كيفية نطق الكلمات مع مراعاة أحكام التجويد. ومن خلال قسم اقرأ يقدم البرنامج ستة دروس متدرجة
تبدأ من أقل مستوى في تعلم اللغة العربية، إلى أن تنتهي بالمستخدم إلى إتقان القراءة المجودة بأحكام التلاوة، التي تهيؤه لحفظ كتاب الله العزيز.
هذا بالإضافة إلى العديد من الاختبارات التي تؤكد حصيلة المستخدم.
ثالثا: تحفيظ القرآن الكريم:
بطريقة مبتكرة يمكنك حفظ القرآن الكريم كاملا بطريقتين للحفظ: طريقة الآية، وطريقة المجموعة. باستخدام صفحة مصحف المدينة المنورة، مع تمكين
المستخدم من التسميع بصوته وذلك عن طريق تسجيل قراءته بالميكروفون، ثم الاستماع إلى صوته، وصوت الشيخ المعلم للمقارنة بينهما.
ويقدم قسم تحفيظ القرآن الكريم معرفة كاملة لأحكام التجويد، مع خاصية الحروف الملونة تبعا لخصائص كل حرف وربطه بالحكم الخاص به.
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Noorani Qaida Collections الـقــاعـدة الـنــورانـيــة
القاعدة النورانية كانت تدرس في الكتاتيب للأطفال في سن مبكرة ، فيتعلمون تهجئة الحروف بمخارجها الصحيحة مع الحركات. وهذه الطريقة مناسبة للأعاجم وهي مستخدمة في كثير من البلاد الإسلامية
. Alnoranih rule is a better way to teach the Quran to children in the schools. This method is suitable for non-Arabic speaker and it used in many Islamic countries.
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فلاش الـقــاعـدة الـنــورانـيــة Noorani Qaida flash
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Tajweed Quran for iPad مصحف التجوید
SHL systems brings you color coded Mus'haf At-Tajweed right on your iphone. This application will provide you the experience of reading the Quran as if you were reading it from the Mushaf itself. The software has every thing one could wish for in a Quran App.
Tajweed Rules Guide is also provided at the end of the Mushaf for the reader's reference.
All images are scanned in high resolution to ensure legibility and crisp quality. The Autorotate feature enables the user to read the Quran in almost the same exact size as that of the original Mushaf.
A lot of effort has been put into the navigation capabilities in this app and this particular feature makes the app stand out. The user can navigate to a page based on the page number, surah - aayah combination or juz by selecting it from the picker list (See the 2nd snapshot). He/She can also simply type in the page number to go to. Further more, the user can go back and forward 1, 10 or 25 pages at a time.
- High quality clear and legible images.
- Easy navigation by Juz, Surah, Ayah or Page.
- Type in the page number to go to.
- Go backward or forward 1, 10 or 25 pages.
- Pinch to Zoom.
- Double finger tap to zoom out.
- Tap top or bottom of screen to show navigation options.
- Remembers last page on exit.
- Continuous back light.
- Auto-rotate for landscape or portrait mode.
- Multiple bookmarks support with bookmark management.
- Editable bookmarks.
- Shake the phone to undo last action.
- Swipe to flip pages. (Hold a page for a second, then swipe. Needs getting use to)
SHL Systems is committed to deliver quality applications.
Suggestions for improvements are welcome.
The Tajweed guide provided in this Quran application is for reference purpose only and it does not negate the need of a teacher to learn the correct Tajweed rules.
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برنامج كلام الله عز وجل
المصحف المرتل والمصحف المجود و المصحف المعلم للأطفال
يوجد في البرنامج سورة الفاتحة لكل مقرئ كعينة
يمكنك زيادة عدد المقرئين إلى 25 مقرئ وأكثر
الشيخ ابو بكر الشاطري
الشيخ احمد العجمي
الشيخ الحسيني العزازي المعلم
الشيخ توفيق الصايغ
الشيخ خالد القحطاني
الشيخ سعد الغامدي
الشيخ سعود الشريم
الشيخ عبد الباسط مجود
الشيخ عبد الباسط مرتل
الشيخ عبد الرحمن السديس
الشيخ عبد الرزاق الدليمي مجود
الشيخ على جابر
الشيخ علي عبد الرحمن الحذيفي
الشيخ فارس عباد
الشيخ ماهر المعيقلي
الشيخ محمد اللحيدان
الشيخ محمد المحيسني
الشيخ محمد صديق المنشاوي
الشيخ محمد جبريل
الشيخ محمود البنا مجود
الشيخ محمود الحصري مجود
الشيخ محمود الحصري مرتل
الشيخ مشاري العفاسي
الشيخ ياسر الدوسري
الشيخ يحيى حوا جديد
حمل البرنامج فقط بحجم 166 ميقاثم أضف صوت المقرئ الذي يناسبك وحسب رغبتكUploaded by Masteringarabic
تحميل البرنـــامج برنامج كلام الله فــقـط
بعد تثبيت البرنامج قم بتحميل القران الكريم بصوت احد المقرئين
تحميل القران بصوت المقرئ : الشيخ ابو بكر الشاطري
تحميل القران بصوت 24 مقرئ