find a job in middle east by learning spoken Arabic
Defense Language Egyptian Arabic
This language guide is intended to provide survival-level language skills needed for basic communication only to members of any contingency force deployed to an area where the target language is spoken. It contains words and phrases that have been found to be most useful for contingency operations.Author: various / Publisher: DLI / Date: 1981 / 15 books (PDF) / Size:76mb
A Dictionary of Egyptian Arabic
Author: M.Hinds, E.Badawi
Author: M.Hinds, E.Badawi
I have just moved to Egypt and am trying to learn Arabic. All the previous dictionaries I have seen have been for standard Arabic which is no use for learning to speak in Egypt. This is a fantastic book, that is clearly and concisely set out and I am finding it an invaluable source of information. Slightly expenisve but well-worth the money for anyone who wants to learn the colloquial language of Egypt.
Publisher: Beirut / Publication date: 1986 / pages: 998
Languages: Egyptian Arabic (in Latin and Arabic script), English
PDF, 600 dpi, searchable, / Size: 89 MB
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download Dictionary of Egyptian Arabic
Publisher: Beirut / Publication date: 1986 / pages: 998
Languages: Egyptian Arabic (in Latin and Arabic script), English
PDF, 600 dpi, searchable, / Size: 89 MB
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download Dictionary of Egyptian Arabic
Spoken Libyan Arabic
The aim of this book is to aid the student possessing a background in Modern Standard Arabic to comprehend the spoken Libyan dialect, or, more precisely, the two main urban dialects, that of Tripoli in the west and Benghazi in the East. The two speakers in the dialogues are from Tripoli and from the countryside surrounding Benghazi. A special aspect of the thirty selections in the book is that they are the spontaneous speech of ordinary informants and that they have been edited on for the sake of length. The selections are transcribed into a modified version of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Selections are accompanied by a vocabulary and notes, and there is a global glossary at the end of the book. An English tranlation of each selection is also provided.
Date: 2004 / Pages: 421 / Format / PDF / Size: 15.2 MB
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download Spoken Libyan Arabic
Date: 2004 / Pages: 421 / Format / PDF / Size: 15.2 MB
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download Spoken Libyan Arabic
Tunisian Arabic Course
Tunisian Arabic Comprehension
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Tunisian Arabic Comprehension
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Each of the 71 lessons in this two-volume course in Tunisian Arabic begins with an initial dialog in Arabic with an English translation. (Arabic appears in phonemic transcription.) Grammar notes explain the points emphasized in the lesson; learning and practice drills follow each dialog. A simplified explanation of the sound system of Tunisian Arabic precedes the first volume. A special section on Tunisian culture concludes the second volume.
71 Mp3 lessons each file / Size :171 MB + 103 MB
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